@article{oai:setsunan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001292, author = {鳥谷部, 壌 and TORIYABE, Jou}, issue = {57}, journal = {摂南法学}, month = {Aug}, note = {The international community achieved the MDG 7-C target for freshwater in 2010, which was ahead of schedule. This should be praised. However, it is also true that many people in the world are still unable to obtain safe drinking water. SDG 6 was designed to address this inadequacy. This article approaches SDG 6.1 and 6.5 from the standpoint of international law, specifically international human rights law and international watercourses law. Therefore, this article first reveals the legal basis and nature of the human right to safe drinking water under international human rights law. Then, this article will clarify how the establishment of the human right to safe drinking water can affect international watercourses law. To achieve SDG 6.1 and 6.5 by 2030, the international community needs to establish a new norm as regards international watercourses law. This paper points out that the most important norm for the international community with respect to achieving SDG 6.1 and 6.5 is an obligation to cooperate.}, pages = {1--45}, title = {「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」の目標6と国際法―「安全な飲料水に対する人権」の形成が国際水路法に及ぼす影響―}, year = {2020}, yomi = {トリヤベ, ジョウ} }