@article{oai:setsunan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000990, author = {竹村, 明久 and 岩田, 三千子 and TAKEMURA, Akihisa and IWATA, Michico}, issue = {1}, journal = {摂南大学 融合科学研究所論文集, Bulletin of the Transdisciplinary Science Research Institute, Setsunan University}, month = {Oct}, note = {It has been generally told that the visually impaired people have lower olfactory threshold value. However, no one verify the olfactory threshold of the visually impaired people. Therefore, it was compared olfactory threshold concentrations between the cases by visually impaired persons and the cases by sighted persons. Each ten subjects in "sighted group" and " visually impaired group" sniffed acetone by means of Triangle Odor Bag Method, which is official method of measuring olfactory thresholds in the Offensive Odor Control Law. Consequently, there was no significant difference between threshold concentration by "sighted group" and "visually impaired group". There was also no significant difference between threshold concentration by younger group and elder group.}, pages = {26--31}, title = {視覚障害者と晴眼者のアセトン嗅覚閾値の比較}, volume = {2}, year = {2016} }